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2023_Small Square #77 (Mauve, Purple + G
2023_Small Square #71_Composition with Red + Green_8_4_2023_7x7 inches)_17.8x17.8 cm_Colla
2023_Small Square #66 (Composition with A+O)_8.26.2023_7x7 inches)_17.8x17.8 cm_Collage on
2022_Small square #63_Composition in red, green + yellow_7-8.22_7x7_ Paper, pastel, graph
small sq 62_composition in yellow, green and black, 7.19.22_ paper, photograph on paper 7x
2022_Small Square #59_Composition with Red + Text_6_21_2022_7x7 inches_17.8x17.8 cm_Collag
2022_Small Square #58_Red Composition_6.21.2022_7 x 7 inches_17.8 x 17.8cm_Paper collage_6
#57_Composition with Net and String.jpg
2018_Small Square #45_Silver Streak_4_20
2018_Small Square #44_Black Track_3-4_20
2016_Small Square #30 (Copper II Corrugated) 5_2016, 19x17.8cm, 7.5x7 inches, acrylic pain
2016_Small Square #31 (Pewter Corrugated
#6_SILK CORD.jpg
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