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2025_Mirror, 1_2025, 15.5x31.5x1.5 inches, 39.3x92.7x3.7cm, Gesso, paper, graph paper, glu
2024_A Week Later, 11_2024, 21.25x18.25x1 inch, 54x836.4x2.5cm, Acrylic, paper, wire on co
Both sides now.jpg
2024_Remains of the Day_3-2024_ 32x21x1 inches_81.3x53.3x2.5cm_Acrylic, varnish, paper, fo
Texas tough_10-22_40.5x23x1.25in_103x59.
2022_FRAGILE II_Fall_2022_18x55x1.5 inches_Acrylic, paper, cardboard, raffia, shellack, on
2020_Nite Games_2020_Paper on corrugated board with honeycomb board supports and d-hooks_1
Grand Street II.jpg
_2019_Broome Street #5_BLES_16x13 inches
2013-4_CHANIA EPT, Summer 2013-14, 43_x30_, 109.2x76.2cm, mm on corrugated_4819.jpg
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